Published by Vasudha in Foreign Language · 17 Dec 2019
English is the most widely known and accepted language universally. It is spoken by around 400 million people across the globe and is the official language of 53 countries. Hence, there is no denying that in today’s age of cross culture communication and globalization it is important to be fluent in a language which is valued globally. IELTS helps you in this regard.
Recognized in over 140 countries, it is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English. Being managed by these century old educational and cultural institutions of repute, it has excellent international recognition and its exam is conducted in approximately about 1200 test centers globally.
There are two types of test with IELTS: Academic and General Training. Listening and Speaking are the same for both tests, but the Reading and Writing sections differs depending on which test you take.
The test is very simple and easy to understand. A person appearing for the exam is rated on a scale of 1-9. 1 (one) being the lowest and 9 (Nine) being the highest. A score is given for each of the sections and then an overall performance score is obtained by averaging all the 4 components.
Having the right IELTS score is not only important to enter a top university, but also to travel abroad for work purpose or for immigration and professional registration purposes. There are about 9,000 institutions worldwide including universities, institutes, organisations, employers and other professional bodies that recognises IELTS.
So the reason for getting the right IELTS score is different for almost every individual. The test is beneficial not only for the ones who want to go abroad, but also for people who want to explore study and work options in India too. Having IELTS certification is clearly the need of the hour!
German Tutor is soon to get its certification to conduct IELTS exams at its centre. It will also help students and individuals to refresh their knowledge and prepare best for the exam, provide test - taking strategies and help one come out as a confidant and prepared individual.