7 reasons why you should learn the German language – 2019
Published by Shraddha in German language · 11 May 2019
Winning many accolades is always a feather in one’s cap. And the best and the easiest route to achieve the privilege is to start by mastering a foreign language called German. This language gains its popularity as the lingua franca of most parts of the European continent. It is the second most spoken language after English. And there is a general saying that If you know English; you have already reached midway to learning German. Isn’t it one strong reason to start embracing and honing the German lexicon?
Is it a Pitfall?
No, it is a beautiful language wreath decorated with tongue-twisting vocabulary. It is fun!
Yes, we know that you might be wondering, why take the jargon of learning a language as confusing and complex as the German? It’s much better to keep repeating the same class in college or to be in the same mundane project at work, rather than to dig an alien language pit and jump into that. Right? We too thought the same earlier but believe us, there are far more interesting things to get involved on a global level once you get a hang of this beautiful language.
7 Lollipops to lick in German language
The wonderful facts as to why you should embrace and learn the German language list is endless, but here we have brought 7 of the best lollipop points for you to lick and taste German.
- German is quintessential of literature – If you are someone who loves to read, write and explore the world through literature, then you might be very happy to know that German literary works are full of world-class compositions bagging 13 Noble prizes in literature. Germany is known as the land of poets and thinkers. So, welcome to a plethora of classics in art, literature, philosophy, science and the list goes on. For bookworms, bibliophiles, art-lovers; this reason is good enough to march straight to enroll yourself as a German language seeking aspirant at German tutor.
- Career option increases manifold- Learning the German language can definitely prove to be an icing on the professional cake as it will increase the multiple job options for an aspirant. The competition here is less, demand is huge, & the career choices are many for e.g., German translators, Content Writers, PR officers, crucial role players in Foreign embassies & Government offices, German language trainers, etc.
- Five-figure salaries are passe’; the German language makes you earn more- It’s a common practice in India to get a five-figure salary at the very start of a career, but being proficient in a foreign language widens the income horizon with lucrative job offers from India and abroad. A polyglot is hard to find and hence the huge demand for a language expert increases better growth perspectives.
- Catching international flights early in your career becomes a routine- When it comes to interacting with the foreign clients or handling a global project or even getting a job opportunity from international companies; a German language expert is always preferred over other aspirants. It can establish the global roots in your professional career from its start and climbing the growth ladder will be much easier from there.
- It amps up the flavors of History and Culture in your personality- If you love traveling, especially in the European countries; learning German will help you explore the culture and history of a vastly influential country like Europe. You will get to dive into European history and a better understanding of their culture.
- International affairs become easy- Germany has a vast business economy and to maintain the economic ties with this country, a skill of speaking German will prove advantageous. The leading giants in the global business economy market are headquartered in Germany. Some of the biggest names include Volkswagen, Audi, Siemens, etc. Practicing hands on this language will prove to be very helpful and rational as it hosts a plethora of business opportunities in India and abroad.
- Beneficial for Higher studies – The renowned German universities offer The German Academic Exchange Service scholarships for studies in multiple disciplines for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Learning German will thus enhance the scope of higher studies in reputed German universities with monetary ease and cognitive convenience.
Don’t you think these reasons are pretty much enticing to learn the German language which is an excellent option to skip the rat race and move ahead in an altogether brilliant direction? If your answer is yes, then it’s better late than never to start learning German from today!